News from Child Evangelism Fellowship
CEF USA Ministries Enters New Season
Seasons come and go—seasons of weather, seasons of life, and seasons of ministry. Watching God work is, in many ways, like watching the seasons change over time. He uses many different people and many different strategies to accomplish His purposes in different times. Yet through all the change, God is the same and the goal remains—to glorify and bring others to Him.
The family of Child Evangelism Fellowship® (CEF®) in the USA has recently witnessed the end of one season and the start of another. For the past eight years, USA Ministries has been under the leadership of Vice President Moises Esteves. However, the time has come for a new season to begin. On Monday, October 10, a commissioning ceremony was held in which Moises passed the baton of national directorship to Ron Tant, former state director of Georgia.

Ron Tant came to CEF International Headquarters on June 6, 2016 and began his role as the assistant vice president, USA Ministries. Moises and Ron worked together for three months before Ron was appointed acting vice president, USA Ministries. Before his work with CEF of Georgia, Ron had been serving as a pastor for 25 years. Now, in God’s perfect time and way, Ron begins a new season and takes on new responsibilities. Regarding Ron’s new position, Moises said, “I am rejoicing that God has raised up Ron Tant as the next national director for the USA. He is a godly and visionary leader. I am certain that under his leadership, the ministry will grow and be blessed of the Lord. Please pray for him every day that he will have wisdom from the Lord to lead the work in the USA.”
Moises is not leaving CEF, but stepping into a new season of ministry. On October 1, Moises began his new appointment as vice president, communications and marketing—a brand new position approved by the International Board of Trustees. This is an idea that Moises has been thinking about for some time. He said, “God has been challenging my heart to focus on three other areas in CEF: communications, marketing and strategic partnerships. Over a period of time God has been directing my heart in stronger and stronger ways to work in these areas that need much attention. It is with peace in my heart that I am following His lead to work in these aspects of the CEF ministry.”
Seasons come and seasons go but God always remains the same. He always works His purposes in the lives of His people. A new season has begun for the ministry of CEF in the USA. It will be exciting to see how God accomplishes His work through Moises Esteves and Ron Tant in the days ahead.