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No Greater Joy

No Greater Joy

Myra Johnson and Chloe Wagner are two Children’s Ministries Institute® students who have been involved with Child Evangelism Fellowship through Christian Youth in Action® in Wisconsin. They are two dedicated young women, sharing the word of God each summer with the kids in their communities.

Where You Send I Will Go

Where You Send I Will Go

The plans God has in our lives often don’t match the ideal lifestyle we have preconceived in our mind. Biblical individuals, such as Jeremiah, perceived themselves in one manner, while God had another story in mind for him.

Christian Youth in Action

Christian Youth in Action

Can you think of an opportunity that changed your life? For many teens Christian Youth In Action has been that life-changing opportunity.

Not Allowed to Go to Church

Not Allowed to Go to Church

Although kids may never step inside a church, God still reaches out to them. He uses ordinary people who take the time reach the children where they are and teach them about Jesus.