Every Child, Every Nation, Every Day
Child Evangelism Fellowship is the world’s largest evangelistic outreach to children, but to reach even more children with the Gospel, we need more workers throughout the United States and in every country of the world
There are many ways you can serve with CEF to help reach Every Child, Every Nation, Every Day.
Career Missions
CEF has career missionary opportunities available around the globe, both in the United States and internationally where we have a ministry presence. When you become part of the Missionary Program, you will be fully trained, supported and equipped to be a full-time CEF missionary serving in the world’s largest evangelistic children’s ministry.
To learn more about this program, visit our Missionary Program or Open Positions pages. To apply, please fill out our online application.
Short Term Missions
If you want to be part of CEF’s mission to reach children with the gospel but aren’t sure if God is calling you to a full-time career, then short-term missions could be the right fit for you. Through ministry opportunities that last two years or less, you can serve as a short-term missionary through our Impact program, work at the International Headquarters as an intern, 0r work with a local office in your area.
Volunteer Missionary Opportunities
Volunteer missionaries have served alongside CEF staff since its launch in 1937. Today, volunteer missionaries are helping CEF reach children, youth, and adults in countries around the world.
Volunteer missionary opportunities exist at the CEF International Headquarters in Warrenton, Missouri, as well as in local CEF chapters around the world.
Learn more about how you can help us reach children through volunteering, or contact Volunteer Services directly for more information about volunteering.
CEF Board and Committee Leadership
Across the United States, faithful believers with vision and godly character lead the CEF work in their states and local areas by serving on local committees and state boards. For more information, contact your state or local chapter.