Every Child, Every Nation, Every Day
For Churches
CEF wants to come alongside your church to help you effectively minister to children and impact your community for Christ. Through ministry opportunities in the summer as well as during the school year, plus our high-quality materials and effective training opportunities, we’re ready to help your church reach local neighborhood children and their families.
Summer Ministry
Through a CEF 5-Day Club, you can take vacation Bible school on the road to reach kids where they’re at rather than waiting for them to come to you. Many local churches have had great success with choosing three locations in nearby neighborhoods to have a week of 5-Day Club. Then on the last day of the week, they have a special event at their church where both the kids and their parents are invited.
CEF provides a strategic plan, training, materials, background screenings, and coaching for your team to make your 5-Day Clubs successful and impactful. Contact your local CEF office to find opportunities in your area.
Since 1937, CEF has offered high-quality, biblically-sound and Christ-centered curriculum to help churches evangelize and disciple children. Every CEF Bible lesson clearly explains the Gospel on a child’s level, with the message of salvation weaved through each verse, song, story, and even the games. Each Bible lesson also focuses on applying God’s Word to everyday life, as well as presenting a spiritual growth challenge.
CEF offers training, both online and through local CEF chapters, to enable teachers to use the materials effectively as they evangelize and disciple children.
Ministry in Public School
Through CEF Good News Clubs, churches around the world are able to reach children in public schools with the message of the Gospel. CEF takes care of the major logistics of getting a club started, as well as offering a strategic plan, materials, training, support, and mentoring. Then teams from local churches facilitate the club in the schools.
To find out if a school in your neighborhood is available to adopt, contact your local CEF office.

“If you are really serious about soul winning then it is a great, great benefit to partner with CEF.”
— Pastor Corey Brooks
New Beginnings Church
“CEF took the time to put a program together and brought it to my church and let my people see the Gospel of Jesus Christ happen first hand.”
— Pastor Steve Miller
East Side Community Church