Big Picture

Christmas Party Club®

“When we were training the teachers, children were playing nearby. I invited them to attend a CPC demonstration for the teachers. That day, 56 boys and girls enjoyed the CPC. We praise Jesus that 25 of the children received Jesus as Savior.”

Bienfait Régis Ntakabanyura, CEF of Burundi

Most children don’t know the true meaning of Christmas

Many children today don’t regularly attend church and have never heard the true meaning of Christmas. Wouldn’t it be great if thousands of children learned about the Christ of Christmas this year? 

Christmas Party Club photo of a boy
Christmas Party Club group photo

A Christmas Party Club brings the Gospel to children

Through a Christmas Party Club, your church can work alongside Child Evangelism Fellowship® to reach the children in your community with the true story of Christmas. While each Party Club is Gospel-centered, there are also teachings for saved children. CEF® will connect you with the training, materials, and activities you need to confidently host a Christmas Party Club.

Continue spreading the Good News to children in your community

For those looking for more community outreach opportunities, a Christmas Party Club can open the door to hosting a Good News Club® at the children’s school. If your church already helps with Good News Club, you can have a Christmas Party Club in your Good News Club at your local public school, or other community area.

Christmas Party Club photo of a girl

Global Impact

Clubs Worldwide


Children Reached


Teachers Trained



Ministry Training Expansion

South Sudan

“Last year we purposed to train 300 volunteers and reach 50,000 children through Christmas Party Clubs. Praise God that He expanded our vision, giving us more strength and resources to do more. By December 15, we had trained over 500 volunteers, equipping them with materials to share the Christmas message. We challenged every trained volunteer to conduct at least 3 clubs. Over 47,000 children heard a presentation of the Christmas message.”

Spontaneous Club

Bienfait Régis Ntakabanyura, CEF of Burundi

Benoit, an instructor and volunteer with CEF of Burundi, and I went to Rutana and Makamba in South Burundi for two days to train 95 volunteers to teach the true meaning of Christmas to unreached children in that area. The trips were not easy, with rain and motorcycle transport, but Jesus helped us. One of my favorite Christmas Party Club trainings was on December 2. When we were training the teachers, children were playing nearby. I invited them to attend a CPC demonstration for the teachers. That day, 56 boys and girls enjoyed the CPC. We praise Jesus that 25 of the children received Jesus as Savior.

The Heart of Christmas

CEF of St. Lucia

During a Christmas Party Club workshop in St. Lucia, many young people attended the training. The youngest was an 11-year-old boy. Thank God for all the youth who came out.

The following Saturday, a grandmother who attended training was concerned about her grandson’s behavior issues. But she was excited after going through the CPC training because she had a better understanding as to why he was acting out and felt equipped to help!

Those who attended another training were eager to go out and tell children the true meaning of Christmas. One lady was so enthusiastic about what she learned that she committed to reaching 1,000 children through 5 Christmas Party Clubs!

God is with You

CEF Ministry in a Sensitive Country

A team packed up the car with Christmas Party Club materials and left the city. Sister R was in line, and called her director saying, “The police are checking and searching each car, what should I do? How should I answer if they ask about CPC materials?” The reply was, “God is with you, don’t worry.” Her leader knew that, but he was still very restless in his heart and prayed, “Lord, please blind the eyes of the police.” After 20 long minutes, Sister R called her director with the good news, “Our car was the only one not checked at the checkpoint, and they did not even ask me to open the doors! I was literally shivering. Praise the Lord!” The police had not even checked her car! It was God’s intervention and yet another escape from the government’s surveillance.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is taught in Christmas Party Clubs?

In a Christmas Party Club an exciting Bible lesson using colorful materials from CEF is presented. This action-packed time also includes songs, Scripture memory, a missions story and review games or other activities focused on the lesson’s theme.

Each club includes a clear presentation of the Gospel and an opportunity for children to trust the Lord Jesus as Savior. Party Clubs can be used as a one-time outreach program, a party for your Sunday school, and more.

Who teaches Christmas Party Clubs? 

Christmas Party Clubs are taught by Good News Club® leaders, Sunday school teachers, children’s ministry workers, and other believers who love children.

How can I support Christmas Party Clubs? 

Connect with your local CEF Chapter to find out how you can get involved in your community through Christmas Party Clubs. You may also prayerfully consider giving toward the ministry.

Get involved with Christmas Party Club


Join us in 50 Days of Prayer to reach 10 million children with the Gospel.

Help equip teachers with training and materials to engage with children and share the Gospel.

Connect with your local CEF Chapter to find out how you can get involved in your community.

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