Tough Topics The Route to Success – Reese Kauffman Do you ever struggle with an attitude that is far from wonderful? We all do. Keeping in check our emotions, feelings, problems—all those elements that can add up to a bad attitude—is pretty difficult some days. God...
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Tough Topics Talking to Children about Natural Disasters —Pat Verbal Becky hasn’t slept in weeks due to aftershocks of a scary earthquake. Joshua hides in a closet during thunderstorms since his house was struck by lightning. Sarah’s grandmother died in Hurricane...
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Tough Topics Challenging Children to be Honest – Robert Choun Most preteens and teenagers lie. That was the conclusion of a recent survey of 3,700 American and Canadian 11-18 year olds. What can we do about this epidemic of dishonesty? We can teach primaries the value...
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Tough Topics What Does It Mean To Be Religious? – Reese Kauffman Have you ever heard someone refer to a person as being very religious? What does that term bring to mind? Someone who is very conscientious? Someone who is diligent in their religious practices? Someone...
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Tough Topics Praying for a bully -Cheri Fuller Zak loved playing basketball at recess. It was his favorite game and he couldn’t wait to get out on the court with his friends. But this tear there was a bully named Josh on the playground. Josh tried to pick a fight with...
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Tough Topics Countering Evolution Myths —Stacia McKeever, Curriculum writer for Answers in Genesis From movies to textbooks children learn false ideas about the past. They are left with the message that the Bible is an outdated book of stories with no relevance to...
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