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Impact Magazine Spring 2024

Impact Magazine Spring 2024 Impact Magazine Spring 2024 In the spring, it is amazing to see tender buds break through the bark of trees. Light green shoots push through the ground, cracks in sidewalks, and asphalt roads. This is the power of life God planted in all things to grow. God has given... Read More

6 Ways to Help Kids Stop Social Bullying Like Jesus | CEF

6 Ways to Help Kids Stop Social Bullying Like Jesus | CEF Help Kids Deal With Social Bullying in 6 Christ-like Steps How did you experience bullying as a kid? Maybe it was on the playground, during lunch in the cafeteria, or on a bus. Bullying hurts, no matter where it takes place; but unfortunately, the places and types of... Read More

 Let Us Not Grow Weary | CEF

 Let Us Not Grow Weary | CEF A Scripture for Comfort to Be Encouraged in Kids Ministry When my alarm went off, my face was buried into my pillow. “Lord,” I prayed, “I do not want to get up for another day of camp. I know there are some amazing girls in my cabin this week. I know this is week 7... Read More

Help Kids Find Comfort from Fear in the Bible | CEF

Help Kids Find Comfort from Fear in the Bible | CEF Teach Kids How to Deal with Fear in the Bible Young or old, everyone feels fear. While initially a result of sin in the world, fear was created by God to protect us from things that might hurt us or pull us away from Him. However, sometimes our minds easily wander and... Read More