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Is Meditation Bad? Bible Meditation for Children | CEF

Is Meditation Bad? Bible Meditation for Children | CEF Is Meditation Bad? Teaching Kids About Scripture Meditation As kids participate in martial arts, yoga, or alternative teaching methods in public school, they might be taught about meditation as something to help their mind, body, or spirit. However, with warnings from... Read More

5 Steps to Developing Devotional Habits for Kids | CEF

5 Steps to Developing Devotional Habits for Kids | CEF Making Quiet Time Meaningful for Kids in 5 Steps Spending personal time with God is just as important for kids as it is for you! God wants to spend time with all of His children—big and small, young and old. Sadly, many kids struggle creating a devotional routine,... Read More

Teaching Kids to Pray for Others with C.A.M.E.L. | CEF

Teaching Kids to Pray for Others with C.A.M.E.L. | CEF C.A.M.E.L., Christmas, & Praying for Children in the Middle East By Jenna Townsend Christmas is a great time to bond with the kids in your life by having fun and teaching them about how Jesus came to Earth. Christmas parties, especially, with a Sunday school group... Read More

How to Teach the Pentateuch to Children | CEF

How to Teach the Pentateuch to Children | CEF Teaching the Pentateuch to Children the Fun Way Teaching children the first five books of the Bible, the Pentateuch, also known as the Books of Law, can seem daunting. As the Bible is God’s Word, every book in it has equal value and should be taught to children. But... Read More