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Impact Magazine Summer 2023

Impact Magazine Summer 2023 Impact Magazine Summer 2023 In the pages that follow, you will learn what Child Evangelism Fellowship® is doing because the Lord is not wishing that any should perish. Our strategy is to train, equip, and support. Last year we trained 423,062 people to reach children... Read More

4 Differences Parents Should Teach Kids to Look Past | CEF

4 Differences Parents Should Teach Kids to Look Past | CEF Hey Parents, Teach Your Kids to Look Past These 4 Differences In today’s world, it’s all too easy to look at people and notice their differences. Kids, especially, are wired to notice what others look like, what they’re wearing, their demeanor, or what they’re doing.... Read More

7 Ways to Teach Kids About Honesty | CEF

7 Ways to Teach Kids About Honesty | CEF How to Teach Kids About Honesty by Lydia Kaiser Why is it that when a preacher or a priest commits an immoral act, it’s bigger news than when, say a plumber, commits the same act? It’s because ministry is a character profession. It’s a profession designed to teach... Read More