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These 3 Convictions are Worth Teaching Your Child | CEF

These 3 Convictions are Worth Teaching Your Child | CEF 3 Convictions to Teach Your Child to Cherish Convictions are an important part about who we are. A conviction is a firm belief and something we carry with us throughout our lives, often giving our life purpose and direction. They guide us towards the actions and... Read More

Teaching Kids About God Sightings | CEF

Teaching Kids About God Sightings | CEF Teach Kids About God Sightings God Sightings are everywhere. They are beautiful, marvelous, and full of steadfast encouragement. You can prepare kids to trust in God’s faithfulness, regardless of the challenges they may face, by teaching them about “God Sightings.”... Read More

5 Ways to Give Kids Assurance of Salvation | CEF

5 Ways to Give Kids Assurance of Salvation | CEF How to Help Kids Feel Sure They’re Truly Saved by Jesus Have you ever struggled with assurance of your salvation? If you have, you can be certain that children do too. Assurance of your salvation is important because it allows for peace-of-mind-thoughts like,... Read More

3 Things to Teach Kids About Disabilities| CEF

3 Things to Teach Kids About Disabilities| CEF 3 Ways to Help Kids Understand Disabilities Kids are great at spotting differences and unique traits in others and the world around them. Unfortunately, however, when faced with a disabled person, this natural curiosity can sometimes lead kids to stare, feel... Read More

Teach Kids to Follow Rules with These 3 Ideas | CEF

Teach Kids to Follow Rules with These 3 Ideas | CEF How to Teach Kids About Rules in 3 Ways “Can I really only have one cookie?” “Do I have to go to bed now?” “But I don’t want to do that now!” Sound familiar? As a parent, guardian, or someone who works with children, you likely often hear kids challenging what they’re... Read More