Big Picture

What is Worship?

What is Worship? What is Worship? by Elizabeth Yoder For many, it is easy to hear words in a church service and in our everyday language without knowing what they mean. Children could tend to lean into this mentality, which then leads to adults who don’t really know what these words... Read More

CEF’s Healthy Alternatives to Screen Time for Kids

CEF’s Healthy Alternatives to Screen Time for Kids Gospel-Focused Healthy Alternatives to Screen Time for Kids With the growing influence of things like gaming or social media, today, kids spend an average of seven hours a day online, with that number quickly rising to up to nine hours for teens. Unfortunately, the... Read More

4 Tips for Helping Kids Avoid Gossip | CEF

4 Tips for Helping Kids Avoid Gossip | CEF 4 Tips for Talking to Kids About Gossip Dealing with disagreements, arguments, or hurt feelings can be hard. But do you know what can make conflicts worse? Gossip. During conflict, it’s tempting to turn to gossip as a way to “vent our feelings.” And while there’s a... Read More