Big Picture

IMPACT Magazine Fall 2024

IMPACT Magazine Fall 2024 Impact Magazine Fall 2024 Children are exposed to physical and emotional abuse in a world of drugs and broken homes. Many have not experienced love and care, training and discipline, protection and provision. They are hopeless. Without knowledge of God and His Word,... Read More

IMPACT Magazine Summer 2024

IMPACT Magazine Summer 2024 Impact Magazine Summer 2024 Jesus, the King of kings, gave His life on the altar of the cross and rose again as our perfect ransom. He gave the Great Commission to the church—the body of Christ: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…”... Read More

The True Meaning of Christmas

The True Meaning of Christmas The True Meaning of Christmas by Debra Hane  Are you one of those people who listen to Christmas music anytime of the year? In my family, it’s tradition to start singing Christmas songs Thanksgiving evening. Then we enjoy the sounds of Christmas till New Year’s Day.... Read More

Stories with a Purpose

Stories with a Purpose Stories with a Purpose By Lydia Kaiser  Children love to hear stories. Bedtime, bath time and between time, stories entertain and spark imagination. Bible story books abound, but are we taking full advantage of God’s purpose for recording these events?    The longer I... Read More

Teach Your Child the Elements of Spiritual Growth

Teach Your Child the Elements of Spiritual Growth Elements of Spiritual Growth for Children A child has just accepted Jesus as their Savior—this is fantastic news! But what now? Do you just send them on their way with a thankful satisfaction knowing that they are “safe and saved”? No! This child has taken the first... Read More