Tough Topics
Truth vs. Opinion
-Barbara Heki
“My schoolteacher said that’s not true; it’s just a made-up story!” Jesse declared as his Sunday school class began studying creation.

Many children in early elementary are very trusting. From birth they’ve learned to trust whatever their parents say. Therefore, when their parents place them under the care of another adult, they have no reason to doubt that person.
How should you respond?
Impress upon your students the eternal truth of God’s Word. It is unchanging, without error (2 Pet. 1:21; 2 Tim. 3:16).
Help them to distinguish truth from opinion. Give examples of truth that is unchanging (gravity, past events, math calculations, God’s Word); then discuss examples of opinions about the existence of God, the definition of sin and how we were made. Opinions change and are influenced by personal experiences and feelings.
Warn them to beware of those who mix truth with lies. Satan did this when he deceived Eve. It was enlightening for Jesse to learn that many adults accept the parts of Scripture they like and reject parts they don’t like (Rom. 1:18-25; 2 Tim. 4:3-4).
Encourage children to search the Scriptures with you. Whenever they have a question about what they are taught or hear, help them to find the answer from God’s Word so they know it is not your opinion!
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