Tough Topics
Teach Kids about the Holy Spirit
—E. Lippy
Children learn little about the Holy Spirit from today’s curriculum, yet His work is important in their spiritual growth. Teaching about Him in small bites will make these truths easier to digest!
Who Is the Holy Spirit?
The true and living God is a three-in-one person. There is no one else like Him! He is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. All three persons are equally God. This truth is too hard for us to truly understand while we are here on Earth. We believe it because it is in God’s Word (2 Cor.13:14). Sometimes people use the word Trinity to describe God. Trinity means “three persons in one.”
What Does the Holy Spirit Do?
The Holy Spirit created the world with God the Father and God the Son. Genesis 1:2 tells us the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters at the beginning of time. Job said, “The Spirit of God has made me” (Job 33:4). God sent His Holy Spirit to Earth to help men write the Bible. He guided them so we would be sure to know the truth about God and His plan for us. He is called the Spirit of truth (John 16:13-14; 2 Pet. 1:21). The Holy Spirit is the one who speaks to people’s hearts and helps them know they should receive Jesus as their Savior.
Do you remember when you wanted to ask Jesus to be your Savior? If not, the Holy Spirit may be speaking to your heart right now, helping you know that you need to be saved from your sins (John 16:8). When you receive Christ as your Savior the Holy Spirit will live in you forever. He is the guarantee that you will always belong to God (Eph. 1:13).

How Does the Holy Spirit Work in My Life Every Day?
(Use five key words to teach and review the work of the Holy Spirit in the Christian’s life: Helper, Convicter, Guide, Teacher, and Changer.)
- Every day the Holy Spirit will help you obey Him (Phil. 2:13).
- He will cause you to feel guilty when you sin (John 16:8). This is called convicting. The Holy Spirit is convicting you when you know you have done something to displease God and should confess your sin to Him. God’s wonderful promise is He will forgive! (1 John 1:9).
- He will guide you so your life will honor God (Rom. 8:14; John 16:13). How does the Holy Spirit guide you? As you read the Bible and pray.
- He will teach you about God while you read the Bible (John 14:16). The Holy Spirit is like a teacher by your side!
- He changes you to be more like Jesus (Gal. 5:22-23). God not only forgives your sin, He wants to fill your heart with good things!
It may be hard for children to think of the Holy Spirit as another person. Remind them that Jesus lives in the Christian by His Spirit and He will never leave him (Rom. 8:9).
We believe the truth of God’s Holy Spirit because it is in God’s Word.
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