Tough Questions From Kids
Will There Be Christmas In Heaven?
-Wally Grant
God doesn’t answer this question in the Bible. But He tells us enough to know this: if you like Christmas, you will love Heaven!

Many things about Heaven will remind you of Christmas. Here are just a few:
The whole city will be decorated—but instead of twinkling lights, garlands and tinsel there will be precious stones, gates of pearl and a street of pure gold! (Rev. 21:19-20)
Angels will be there in great numbers, glorifying God! (Rev. 5:11)
“Evergreen trees” will be on display—but better than firs or spruces: these will be trees of life! The “ornaments” will be 12 different kinds of fruit that ripen every month. (Rev. 22:1-2)
A very special “star” will shine—Jesus—the bright and Morning Star. (Rev. 22:16)
Gifts of worship will be given to Jesus—instead of wise men with gold, incense and myrrh, 24 elders will worship Him by laying their crowns at His feet. (Rev. 4:10-11)
There will be gifts for God’s children! (Rev. 22:12)
There will be peace and happiness. (Rev. 21:4)
There will be music and joyful carols! (Rev. 5:8-13)
You’ll be home forever with Jesus, the reason for the season! (John 14:2-3; Rev. 21:3 )
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