Tough Questions from Kids
The Story of a Question
-Del Sanchez
My three grandchildren- Jared, 11, Joshua, 8, and Sierra, almost 7 were in my class as I taught the attribute of God’s omnipotence. I gave examples such as the parting of the Red Sea and the protection of Daniel in the lion’s den. After dinner a week or so later, Joshua, Sierra and I were at the table coloring when Joshua asked me about one the of the stories. I got my Bible read and explain it to him. Sierra listened quietly. Then she asked, in a clear, thoughtful voice, “Grandma, does Satan have a weakness?”

To be honest, I was astonished by her question. Why? Because:
- It was profound
- It exposed our enemy, Satan.
- It displayed God’s sovereign power.
To this little girl God’s double revelation was of His great power and Satan’s powerlessness. “Yes,
I told her, “His weakness is the name of Jesus.” She asked me how that worked and I told her that Satan cannot stand to be around when Jesus’ name is spoken. She thought about that for a short time and responded “I get it.” I plan to keep reminding her so that her “I get it” will become permanent in her heart and life.
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