Tough Questions From Kids
What Does the Name Christ Mean and Where Did It Come From?
-Wally Grant
The word Christ had a long and interesting history! In the Old Testament, the Jewish people looked forward to the day when God would send a King He chose to rule the entire world. The Hebrew word for this king was Messiah and means “the anointed (chosen) one.” Later, in the New Testament the word Messiah was translated into the Greek word, Christos. The English word Christ comes from this Greek word.

The title Christ describes and honors Jesus as the one God chose to be King of Kings and the Savior of the world! Because God’s Word, the Bible, calls Him Jesus Christ, you can know for sure that He is God’s one and only Son, chosen to take the punishment for your sins. John 17:3 says, “Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” In some countries Jesus is a common name that parents give their children. But no one else on Earth can claim the title Jesus Christ- and only Jesus Christ can save you (Acts 4:10-12)!