Tough Questions From Kids
Jesus loves me so much but what can I do to show Him my love?
-Wally Grant If you want to do something for the Lord because of His love for you, love Him completely-“with all your heart, soul and mind” (Mark 12:30). What does it mean to love Him completely? Jesus says, “If you love me, you will obey what I command.” (John 14:15). Obey Him in all you do, say and think. That’s one way to show your love for Him.
Are you obedient to your parents? Do you do what they ask you to do without grumbling and complaining? Do you do it right away? DO you attend church and Sunday school to worship God, learn more about Him and spend time with other Christians? Do you have a quiet time with God each day to pray and read your Bible?
Do you give the Lord a tenth of all your money you receive? That is only one dime out of every dollar to help the church and send out missionaries. You may even want to give Him more. God wants you to love your neighbors. Do you ask elderly in your neighborhood is you can help them in some way? You could rake a yard for no pay. Bring them homemade cookies. Run errands. Walk their dog. Baby-sit. Read to them or tell them about Jesus. You can show your love for Jesus lots of ways. You can’t see Jesus but you can see your parents, your brother and sisters and your neighbors. By showing love to them, you are showing it to Him.