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A Scripture for Comfort to Be Encouraged in Kids Ministry

Feb 26, 2024 | Teach Kids Articles

When my alarm went off, my face was buried into my pillow. “Lord,” I prayed, “I do not want to get up for another day of camp. I know there are some amazing girls in my cabin this week. I know this is week 7 out of 8, that Thursdays are usually fun, and I know I’m supposed to do this for Your glory, but I don’t have any desire to get up today.”

Have you ever felt this way? Ministering to kids can be rewarding, but it can also be incredibly challenging and even discouraging at times. Sometimes I grow weary of trying to be a good and faithful servant in my call to children’s ministry. Sometimes I feel like, even after all my hard work and prayer, kids still aren’t getting saved and there’s no change. Sometimes I get discouraged by my own failures and sinfulness. And other times I’m just plain tired!

I desperately needed to be encouraged. That morning at camp, I heard a small whisper from the Holy Spirit come to my mind with a scripture for comfort: “…Let us not grow weary of doing good…” And while at that moment I couldn’t remember the rest of the verse, it was enough to get me out of bed.

Be Encouraged You Are Not Alone

I’ve noticed that, whenever I’m weary of doing good, God encourages me with His Word. That morning, Galatians 6:9 was God’s way of gently pulling me out of bed and motivating me to serve Him another day. What encouraged me most from Galatians 6:9 was that little word “us”. “Let us not grow weary…” Paul included himself. Even the great Apostle Paul, in all his wisdom and faith, needed encouragement to not grow weary too.

Especially in children’s ministry, it’s important for us to be encouraged by one another to persevere. Is there someone in your life who always points you to Christ? When you grow weary of teaching kids, talk with that good friend about it and allow yourself to be encouraged by them. Pray with them for your needs, and pray, also, for the kids you minister to by name. God has given us the gift of community and support from our brothers and sisters in Christ to be encouraged and strengthened by another. Take advantage of it!

Look to Scripture for Comfort

Sometimes, when we’re tired and discouraged, our focus drifts away from God’s view, and we no longer look at our situation through the light of His goodness and grace. My second piece of advice for when you grow weary and need to be encouraged? Focus on God by looking to scripture for comfort. God has infinite power. He is full of compassion, knows exactly how you feel, and has promised to be your helper in a time of need. When you focus on God by looking to scripture for comfort, He will renew your strength. And for me, that morning it was Galatians 6:9.

When God gives YOU a verse, write it down to look at throughout the day. Sometimes song lyrics mirror Bible verses and are perfect for when you need to be encouraged and sing good scriptures for comfort to yourself. Ask God to remind you of those truths when you find yourself in a chaotic classroom, experience waves of self-doubt or guilt, in a power-struggle with a kid, or when you’re burying your face into your pillow, dreading getting up.

Remember Why You Serve

While remembering that scripture for comfort was enough for me to be encouraged to get up, God had more He wanted to show me from Galatians 6:9 that day.

During our camp’s quiet-time hour, I glanced briefly over the girls’ shoulders as they read their Bibles and wrote in their booklets. In one girl’s booklet, the question was, “Today, I’m asking God for…” and her answer was, “Salvation”! I was thrilled! I quietly asked her if she really was asking God for salvation, and when she replied yes, I talked with her about receiving Jesus as Savior. Her questions and prayer for Jesus to come into her heart were so sincere and honest, I could hardly keep my tears back! Later on, God brought to mind the rest of Galatians 6:9: “…for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” God didn’t let me give up that morning because He wanted to give me the joy of seeing this little girl come to know Him.

So, let us not grow weary in serving God. There are many kids in the world who don’t know Jesus and others who need to grow closer to Him. Be encouraged that you can give them the love and answers they need. In due season, God may show you the fruit of your labors or allow you to be encouraged another way. Even if you never see the impact of your prayers and hard work, God is the one doing the real labor of the heart. He will be faithful to finish both the work He started in you and through you. Don’t lose heart, friend. Be encouraged by one another, look to scripture for comfort, and keep your focus on God.

This content is from the CEF podcast Teach Kids.  Listen to more content like this on the Teach Kids podcast through your favorite podcast platform.  #TeachKids #KidsMin

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