Spreading the Light of Jesus this Winter
Winter can be a hard season for a lot of people—bringing with it cold air, bare trees, short days and even longer nights. The darkest time of the year, seasonal depression can be a common problem, especially after the holidays are over, the Christmas cheer subsides, and all the bright, colorful lights come down.
And yet, winter can bring some surprisingly wonderful teaching opportunities for kids, while reminding us what’s really important in life. Here’s how to use those early sunsets and dark evenings to your advantage, spreading the light of Jesus and the gospel this winter by teaching kids how Jesus is the light of the world.
Get Cozy and Prepared
First, set aside an evening this January to take advantage of the early sunset and gather together as a family a few hours before bedtime. Turn off all the electronics in the house, and, if you’re extra daring, all the lights in the house too, to light some candles and set the mood. If your kids are too young to safely play around lit candles, use battery powered candles instead. Next, sit down around the candles in a cozy place with a bowl of your favorite snacks and get ready to talk about how Jesus is the light of the world—rescuing a people walking in the darkness of sin.
Talk About Jesus, Light of the World
To start, begin with one candle to represent Jesus and read John 8:12 where Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” Explain that the darkness in the room represents the darkness of sin in the world, and this sin is so serious, it hurts our relationship with God so that we can’t be with Him. However, because of His great love for us, God sent His only Son, Jesus, to be the light of the world and to rescue us from this sin—restoring us into right relationship with God when we believe in Him. Jesus’ light of the world helps us to not only see God while experiencing hope, joy, and purpose, but His light also illuminates our steps along the path to righteousness as we journey through life, spreading the light of Jesus to others.
To further round out the discussion, ask the kids to tell you what they might have learned about Jesus during the Christmas season and why we focus on spreading the light of Jesus throughout the holidays. Then, ask them to think about what that knowledge of Jesus, light of the world, means for them today if they believe it to be true.
Let Your Light Shine
Another conversation you can have with kids around the candles to help them further internalize the concept of Jesus as the light of the world, is to share your own salvation story. Doing this helps kids see what living a life of light looks like—following the biblical call to let your light shine for all to see—while resonating with children as they hear your personal story and it helps them remember. Many kids know their parents are Christians, but few are ever given the gift of hearing their parents’ testimony. And yet, hearing how God changed the lives of mom and dad to go from walking in darkness, to walking in the light, can help kids see how God has loved their family over the years. It can also help them realize why you might take them to church or raise them the way you do out of love and devotion to God for what He’s done for us.
Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to let your kids know about the amazing work of God in your life, bringing you from darkness to light. Let your light shine and let them take part in spreading the light of Jesus too!
While holding the candle to represent the light of Jesus, tell the kids how and why you chose to believe in Jesus. If you have older kids or other family members who want to tell their story, let them share too! As each person shares their testimony, give them their own candle to light from the candle that represents Jesus, light of the world. Watch as the light grows in the dark room, spreading the light of Jesus and chasing away the darkness of sin!
Share What Living a Life of Light Looks Like
Once you and anyone else who wants to share has lit their candle, talk to the kids about what it means to take your light with you wherever you go—living a life of light, while committing to let your light shine brightly even when it’s hard. If your kids believe in Jesus, talk about how they can live a life of light when they go back to school, play with their friends, or interact with neighbors, spreading the light of Jesus to those who need it. If your kids don’t believe in Jesus yet, talk to them more about what that means and answer any questions they may have. Child Evangelism Fellowship has great resources on how to counsel a child through a salvation decision if you want help with this.
Winter may be the darkest season, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t the perfect excuse to point kids to the light of Jesus Christ—committing to let your light shine as you live a life of light, while spreading the light of Jesus and the gospel to all the world. For more ideas on how you can teach kids about Jesus, go to cefonline.com.
This content is from the CEF podcast Teach Kids. Listen to more content like this on the Teach Kids podcast through your favorite podcast platform. #TeachKids #KidsMin
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