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4 Words of Encouragement for Kids in Spiritual Weariness

Mar 25, 2024 | Teach Kids Articles

Groans echoed off the walls of the gym. Coach Jose started counting to ten again while his students lay on the floor doing another plank. He had already been working them hard for about half an hour at gym class, and many of the children moaned and complained that they were tired. If Jose were not a firm teacher, they probably would have given up. But Jose knew the secret: in order to get stronger and see the results, the kids had to persevere despite their weariness and learn endurance.

Kids might feel like giving up on the Christian life, too. They may be doing the same things over and over again—inviting their friends to church, reading their Bible every day, resisting temptation, trying to love their annoying siblings—and they’re getting tired of it. Maybe all the cool kids at school are the ones who misbehave, making it feel like their hard work is for nothing when they get all the fun and attention. When kids don’t see the fruit from their obedience, they can become discouraged, begin to complain, or start neglecting the good works God wants them to do. And yet, as an important spiritual coach in their life like Jose, God has given you the opportunity to give words of encouragement for kids in these situations to not give up. Here are four ways you can offer words of encouragement for kids experiencing spiritual weariness, strengthening them to continue doing good.

1. Listen to Them

The first way you can help kids experiencing spiritual weariness is to show them compassion by listening. How many times have you been encouraged by a listening ear? In the same way, you can talk with kids about what’s discouraging them and why they’re feeling spiritual weariness. When you give them your full attention, you’re showing the grace and tenderness of Jesus. Some kids may appreciate a hug after or a pat on the back. Others may like to hear about a time when you felt like giving up on doing good, offering words of encouragement for kids in that they’re not alone in their feelings. Be sure to pray aloud for them about whatever is causing their weariness, asking the Holy Spirit, Himself, to whisper words of encouragement for kids in their spiritual exhaustion.

2. Remind Kids That Seeing the Results Takes Time

Second, you can offer words of encouragement for kids experiencing spiritual weariness by taking them to Galatians 6:9 and explaining it, phrase-by-phrase. The word “us” in the phrase “let us not grow weary” reminds kids they are never alone. There are others who are struggling with spiritual weariness too. The verse goes on to say: “…We will reap, if we do not give up.” Kids will get to see the benefits of following Jesus if they keep going. They might get discouraged if they don’t see the results of doing good right away, but remind them that, just like it takes time for plants to grow and produce fruit, it may take some time before they see benefits of doing good. Their weariness will always be worth overcoming!

3. Use Scripture as Words of Encouragement for Kids

The third thing you can do to help kids experiencing spiritual weariness is to show kids how to stand firm by memorizing and obeying God’s Word. Let’s say a kid is feeling weariness from fighting against a habitual sin and wants to give in. You can help them learn some of the many words of encouragement for kids like this the Bible has to offer by teaching them verse Hebrews 2:18, which tells us that Jesus is there to help us continue doing good—even when we’re tempted to give up—because He, Himself, knows what it’s like to be tempted. 

Together, you can make a craft with this verse to hang in their room where they can see it every day, or you can sing and do hand motions to the CEF verse song  “Because He Suffered” to help kids have fun with memorization. You can find this song and other verse songs like it on the free Christian platform for kids, Explain that, whenever they’re tempted to do something wrong, they can remember that verse and ask God to help them through their weariness since Jesus knows what it’s like to be tempted.

4. Share Stories of Christians Conquering Weariness

Lastly, you can help give words of encouragement for kids by telling them about other Christians in history who persevered despite their own weariness. Hearing Christian biographies can help kids realize they’re not alone in what they face, and are also an excellent resource for discovering how to respond to certain situations life may throw at us. Many lessons can be learned from the hardships other Christians have faced. Hudson Taylor, for example, shared the Gospel with Chinese people his entire life and only saw one convert, yet he faithfully persevered in ministry and the real fruit of his labors came later. His story, and many others, might be just the encouragement kids need to keep striving to follow Jesus well when experiencing spiritual weariness.

Life’s not easy. All of us—including kids—grow weary of doing good. But Galatians 6:9 promises we will reap the harvest of our Christ-like actions if we do not give up. Be the person who helps the children around you reap those blessings one day by supporting them now through their weariness, offering words of encouragement for kids tempted to live life how they want, instead of how God wants. Stand with them, listen to them, and encourage them with God’s promises—reminding them just Who they’re walking this road with, and of all the Christians who have faithfully walked that same path before them.

For more Bible verse song videos like “Because He Suffered”, along with other great Bible content for kids, visit U-NITE TV at

This content is from the CEF podcast Teach Kids.  Listen to more content like this on the Teach Kids podcast through your favorite podcast platform.  #TeachKids #KidsMin

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