4 Incredible Impact Stories of Children Sharing the Gospel
If there’s one thing Child Evangelism Fellowship® has learned, it’s to never underestimate the impact a single child can have when sharing the gospel. The Bible tells us in Romans 10:15, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!” Did you know that even children can preach the Good News to others? Though both physically and spiritually young, they can still understand the life-changing power the gospel of Jesus brings to be passionate to share it. And the ripple effect of revival even a single child can make on a community is incredible.
Here are just four stories, taken from Child Evangelism Fellowship’s IMPACT magazine, of how a single child sharing the gospel can help bring many to know Christ as their Savior.
Hope, Sharing the Gospel of Forgiveness
At a Child Evangelism Fellowship 5-Day Club®, four-year-old Hope listened as the lesson focused on the biblical truth “Jesus forgives sin”. During the song “His Name is JESUS,” CEF teachers challenged the children to tell someone about Jesus—like their dad, mom, or sibling. After the club, Hope ran straight home to her mother and asked, “Mama, have you met Jesus?”
Her mother laughed but didn’t say anything. Hope persisted, “Mom, have you ever been forgiven of your sin?”
“No,” her mother replied.
“You need to be forgiven of your sin, Mom; Jesus died for you,” proclaimed Hope.
That evening Hope’s mom told the 5-Day Club teacher her daughter had been sharing the gospel with her, proving even very young children like Hope can understand this Good News of Jesus just has to be shared!
Meg, Sharing the Gospel Despite Persecution
Eight-year-old Meg* understands what it means to be persecuted. She lives in a Muslim nation and her friends relentlessly prod her to say Islamic statements despite her secret belief in Jesus. One day, she just couldn’t stop herself from sharing the gospel truth to everyone that God loves the world so much He sent Jesus Christ to die on the cross for us. Her teacher, who was listening, told her to shut up and never bring up the subject again. A little later, some of her friends were so angry about her sharing the gospel they beat her. Although her teacher and friends later apologized, Meg never knows when talking about Jesus will bring a beating or something far worse. And yet, for Meg, it’s far more important to please God than it is to avoid trouble. Even at eight years old, Meg understands that sharing the gospel is something worth both living and dying for.
Sai, Sharing the Gospel for the First Time
Like Meg, Sai* also lived in an area where few people knew about Christ. When Sai attended a special Child Evangelism Fellowship training for children to learn how to share the gospel with their friends, he went back home to where there were no churches and gathered 27 children together. After sharing the gospel using The Wordless Book as he was taught, all 27 of them received Jesus as Savior. Sai was overjoyed, breaking his piggy bank to buy them cookies. He then called his pastor and told him, “Pastor, please come and help. My friends in the village have received Jesus!” When the pastor arrived, he was amazed to see the children, indeed, had assurance of salvation—all 27 of them accepting Christ after Sai’s enthusiasm for sharing the gospel. Shortly after the pastor relayed this to a CEF® missionary, a Good News Club® was started in that village, ensuring that the children could be discipled to grow in their faith, and potentially encouraging even more people to be saved by emboldened kids sharing the gospel.
Valeria, Restoring Her Family by Sharing the Gospel
Although six-year-old Valeria lives with her mom, she is often left alone at home with her sister, while on weekends they stay at her grandmother Maria’s house. Maria does her best to care for them, taking Valeria to a Child Evangelism Fellowship Good News Club® each Saturday. That’s where Valeria received the Lord Jesus as her Savior and learns how to depend on Him every day. When she learned about prayer, Valeria often prayed that her father would get out of jail, and that both he and her mother would receive the Lord Jesus as their Savior, as well. In perfect, childlike faith she would say, “God will answer according to His will”; and that’s exactly what happened. Because of the change in Valeria’s life, her father accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior—leading her grandmother, Maria, to also receive the Lord Jesus as her Savior, thanks to the testimony of her young granddaughter as Valeria encouraged Maria to trust God and accept His will, even in difficult times.
Maria shared, “I have learned to have a devotional life, thanks to my granddaughter. One day, Valeria brought home a Wonder Devotional Book from club and began to have daily devotions. Since Valeria still can’t read, she asks me to read the Bible and devotional book for her so we can do our devotions together.” This precious time spent learning about Jesus with her granddaughter has led Maria to begin developing a lifelong devotional habit of her own. Valeria’s story is just one that goes to show how much kids can impact people around them when they boldly proclaim the Good News of Jesus by sharing the gospel.
Teach the kids in your life that they can take part in sharing the gospel too. Like Hope, Meg, Sai, and Valeria, teach them that one is never too young or too inexperienced in sharing the gospel to make a difference by telling others about the Good News of Jesus. Knowing God makes an impact on the lives of children, while it’s far more important to please God than it is to avoid trouble. Encourage children with the promise of Hebrews 13:5-6 that God is with them and will help them when sharing the gospel, and allow them to rest in trust that God will do as He says. Like Valeria says, “God will answer according to His will”.
For more stories like these, check out Child Evangelism Fellowship’s free Christian publication, IMPACT magazine, by heading to cefonline.com/impact.
*Names changed to protect privacy.
This content is from the CEF podcast Teach Kids. Listen to more content like this on the Teach Kids podcast through your favorite podcast platform. #TeachKids #KidsMin
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