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Victory Over Sin

Aug 8, 2024 | Sunday School Solutions

by Debra Hane

Victory! It’s what we play for, strive for, and fight for. Everyone wants to be a winner. It’s natural for children to push and grab to get what they want or throw a tantrum. But it’s good they don’t always gain victory in what they want because it would actually be bad for them. Children who gain victory that reinforces selfishness, pride, and meanness actually suffer significant loss. You can help boys and girls develop habits that lead to true victory. They no longer need to live as slaves to sin; instead they can live victoriously in Christ. How can you teach children to have victory in Christ?

From birth, everyone has the same problem. We are all born sinners, wanting and knowing how to sin. But God has made a way to take care of our sin problem. Jesus, the perfect Son of God, took the punishment for all sin when He died on the cross. It’s important for children to understand they are sinners. When they admit they have sinned and put their total trust in Jesus as the only way for their sin to be forgiven, they become children of God. First John 5:11-12 tells us, “. . . God gave us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.” Children of God have received a new life—eternal life. Be sure to explain how God the Holy Spirit comes to live in them so they can know God now and live His way. Then after they die in this world, they’ll go on to live with God forever in the perfect place He’s prepared for them.

Boys and girls need to understand that when they are children of God, they still have their old sinful selves as long as they live in this world. But with the help of the Holy Spirit in them, they can choose to obey God and not sin. They can have victory over sin!

You can help children have victory over sin by teaching them to practice these three habits every day.

1. Face your sin.

Help children know what to do when they sin. Let them know that at times they may disobey, lie, or be unkind. But they need to remember that God hates sin and their sin keeps them from enjoying His friendship. When they don’t deal with their sin it becomes easier and easier for them to disobey God. If they ignore the sinful things they do or think they don’t matter, they are allowing themselves to be slaves to sin rather than having victory in Jesus.

But look what Jesus did! Romans 6:6 says, We know that our old self was crucified with him in order that the body of sin might be brought to nothing, so that we would no longer be enslaved to sin.” Jesus died to set us free, and He lives in those who believe in Him to give them power over sin. Jesus can help you say no to sin. Encourage children to face their sin every night before they go to bed and thank God for the victory Jesus gives.

If they ignore the sinful things they do or think they don’t matter, they are allowing themselves to be slaves to sin rather than having victory in Jesus.

2. Confess your sin.

Another important part of facing sin is to confess it to God. Explain to children that as soon as they realize they have sinned, they should tell God about it. God doesn’t want their sin to get in the way of a close relationship with Him. First John 1:9 reminds us how to keep close to God. You can explain the verse phrase-by-phrase to help children understand it. You could say something like this:

  • “If we confess our sins,”—Tell God your sin and agree with Him that it is wrong.
  • “He is faithful”—Remember, God always keeps His word.
  • “and just to forgive us our sins”—It is right for God to forgive you, since Jesus took the punishment for your sins when He died on the cross.
  • “and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness”—Because of what Jesus did, when you are God’s child, you are made right with God. He makes you clean from all your sin.

Admitting you are wrong and making things right is an important part of having loving relationships. As you admit to God what you have done, also ask Him to help you do what’s right and remember to thank Him for His forgiveness. If you’ve sinned against another person, you should also confess to them and ask for their forgiveness.

God’s Word talks about putting off the old self and its sinful practices and putting on the new self.

3. Forsake sin.

Children need to be warned that sin has consequences. Although once they are a child of God they cannot lose their salvation, sin can take away their joy, peace, and love as it hinders their relationship with God. God’s Word talks about putting off the old self and its sinful practices and putting on the new self. Two passages you can use to teach this concept are Ephesians 4:22-32 and Colossians 3:1-17. Explain to children that by themselves, they cannot win over sin. But God wants to give them victory. It’s important for them to ask God for help to put off sin and put on His righteousness. Encourage children to ask God for help every morning when they first wake up. That will help their relationship with God to grow.

When children learn to have victory over sin they will develop a close friendship with God. As you remind them to face their sin every night, confess their sin as soon as they realize they have done wrong, and ask God for help every morning, you will instill these three habits in their lives. Will you give children the tools they need to live a victorious life?

The Children’s Ministry Resource Bible was a great resource for information (“You Can Have Victory Over Sin” pgs. 1564-1565) and includes many tested teaching aids from Child Evangelism Fellowship®.