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Teaching Girls

Teaching Girls

Surprise! Differences between girls and boys start in the brain. Girls have a stronger pathway between the two hemispheres of the brain and their frontal lobe is more developed. Therefore they are usually better than boys at language, reading and fine motor skills like using a pencil.

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Effective Classroom Management

Effective Classroom Management

As we started our praise time, Trevor and Jason began wrestling! They were having fun but their misbehavior disrupted the rest of the class and defied authority. Should I correct them in front of the entire group? Should I lecture everyone about paying attention? Should I ignore the misbehavior, hoping it will stop?

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Good News Club Victory in Aloha State

KAPOLEI, HAWAII — In a victory for Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) in the Aloha State, its after-school Good News Club can now be held in Ewa Elementary, the largest elementary school in the Campbell-Kapolei Complex.

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