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To Discipline or Not to Discipline

To Discipline or Not to Discipline

Matt and Josh aren’t sit¬ting in chairs for the story,” said Sarah. The rest of the children were seated around me so Sarah was concerned about Matt’s and Josh’s apparent lack of obedience. I considered her concern but decided discipline wasn’t necessary.

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10 P’s that Make an Eternal Impact

10 P’s that Make an Eternal Impact

“To teach a child is to touch a life forever.”
This line has appeared on everything from pencils to mugs to bumper stickers. Now you are a teacher wondering what kind of lasting mark you will make on the kids in your class. Here are ten ways you can positively impact your students for eternity.

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Hold Back Nothing

Hold Back Nothing

Each day is made up of a series of actions. Behind the actions there are often words spoken. Behind the words are thoughts. Behind the thoughts are the basic motives. At that point we can identify the heart — the real you.

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Demonstrating Faith to this Generation

Demonstrating Faith to this Generation

God is pushed out of the lives of so many of today’s children. Schoolteachers consciously avoid mentioning Him. On TV and in many homes His commandments are blatantly violated. Schedules are packed with nonreligious activities. You cannot remove all the opposition that distracts this generation from living for God. But you can demonstrate that Christians are to stand firm and give themselves fully to Him.

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