Big Picture


The New Kid

The New Kid

One of my childhood goals was to win an award for perfect Sunday school attendance. To earn it I had to attend out-of-town churches on the weekends our family traveled. One Sunday morning I walked three blocks to the nearest church and presented myself at the door.

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Talking to Children about War

Talking to Children about War

Many children have one or both parents in the military. These children may not know that more than 2,300 U.S. military have died, but they know fear and loneliness. Children want to trust God but war is confusing. Assure your students that it’s okay to ask questions about the pictures on TV. Encourage them to talk about their feelings and you’ll hear questions like these. . .

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Can Kids Manage God’s Stuff?

Can Kids Manage God’s Stuff?

“Why do I have to give some of my money to God? He already has everything. I earned it and it’s mine.” Oh, is that so? Every Christian is a servant of God. Because we’re His servants, we are also His stewards. A steward is responsible for taking care of and managing what belongs to someone else.

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Sound Advice for Auditory Learners

Sound Advice for Auditory Learners

My son, Ron loved his fifth grade teacher because she enjoyed storytelling, dramas and lively discussions. But he struggled with his sixth-grade teacher who gave assignments such as, “read three chapters and write a paper.” Because Ron and his fifth-grade teacher were auditory learners he thrived in her class. He eventually learned to use his other God-given senses but continued to rely heavily on his gift of grab.

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Discipline for Discipleship

Discipline for Discipleship

To avoid creating unnecessary discipline problems we need to plan our lessons with the development and personal needs of our students in mind. Long, dry lectures for juniors are futile since they lack opportunities to move and talk.

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Above and Beyond

Above and Beyond

Preteens are on the go like never before. Any parent of an early adolescent knows this generation is a busy one with no shortage of activity in kids’ lives. Becki has a placard posted on her minivan visor that reads, “Mom’s Taxi.”

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The Power of Words

The Power of Words

You begin each class with unlimited power—power to build up or tear down. With just a few words you can create a sense of well-being or discourage the hearts of the children you reach.

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Why can’t I see God?

Why can’t I see God?

Our human eyes cannot see God in all His glory because He is spirit. God is eternal (He lives forever) and invisible (look up 1 Timothy 1:17, Romans 1:20 and John 4:24). He does not have an earthy body that will someday pass away like you and I have.

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