The Story of a Question
My three grandchildren- Jared, 11, Joshua, 8, and Sierra, almost 7 were in my class as I taught the attribute of God’s omnipotence.
Kids Can Obey and Play!
“Did you bring your dinosaurs?” asked Riley as she rushed into class and scanned the room for Fluffy and Maximus. These T-rex twins are a favorite with many kids in my class, but others prefer my bright yellow Minions, Stuart and Kevin, or one of the many other behavior incentives that show up in my class regularly.
The Devil Keeps Scaring Me at Night
If Jesus is your Savior, He wants to help you get over your fear.
Energize Personal Bible Reading
As Christian educators we must help children understand the importance of God’s Word in their daily lives by example.
Jesus Loves Me So Much He Died For Me But What Can I Do to Show Him My Love?
Obey Him in all you do, say and think. That’s one way to show your love for Him. Are you obedient to your parents? Do you do what they ask you to do without grumbling and complaining? Do you do it right away?
You Can SING with Kids!
As we started to sing, Karl rolled his eyes; slid further down in his chair; and crossed his arms as if to say, “I dare you to try to get me to sing.” It didn’t take long for the other 4th and 5th grade boys to follow his example and refuse to participate during songs.
Crispy Temptation
There are a lot of things that seem good but are just plain bad for us. We call the desire for those things temptation.
If Life Is Valuable, Why Would God Let Thousands of People Die in Natural Disasters?
People are valuable to God even when He allows them to die in a storm or an earthquake.
Pre-Teen Connection: Eternal Impact Requires Extra Effort
Pre-teens are on the go like never before. Any parent of an early adolescent knows this generation is a busy one with no shortage of activity in kids’ lives.