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Emojis As a Teaching Tool? Yes!

Emojis As a Teaching Tool? Yes!

Kid’s ministry has changed so much over the last ten years! For example, I did not own a cell phone until I was 19. Now kids get them at younger and younger ages and because of this texting and social media are becoming more and more relevant to even young children.

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Make the Most of Every Moment

Make the Most of Every Moment

Looking back over 30 years of children’s ministry, I regret the times I put the urgency of completing the lesson ahead of the needs of my learners. I regret the times I told a child I would be glad to listen to his concern over his sick cat “later.”

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Finding God in the Nonfiction Section

Finding God in the Nonfiction Section

Sherry Biddison teaches a Good News Club in the school library with a sign above her head which reads, “Non-Fiction.” It is fitting, because the Bible is as nonfiction as it gets! Children today are offered many different versions of ‘truth’ by their parents, teachers, friends, and TV celebrities.

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Reset! Regaining and Keeping Attention in Class

Reset! Regaining and Keeping Attention in Class

I’m on the children’s church teaching team at my church. I teach the younger group, which range from 3-6 years old. They are hilarious, sweet, and sometimes just plain squirrely! If something hits them funny it can be so easy for them to get distracted and before I know it they aren’t paying attention anymore!

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Have you ever heard someone refer to a person as being very religious? What does that term bring to mind? Someone who is very conscientious?

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Known by Their Name

Known by Their Name

Every experienced gardener knows that labeling seeds as they are planted helps distinguish good plants from weeds later. Use the following activity to show kids that Christians should produce the good fruits of love, kindness, compassion and truth.

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