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Apply Scripture to Children’s Chore Charts

Apply Scripture to Children’s Chore Charts

My granddaughters get so excited when I ask them to help me bake something for dessert. They trip over each other to get the eggs and milk out of the refrigerator, find measuring cups, get the sugar and flour out of the cupboard and pour ingredients into the mixing bowl.

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Bring Out the Drama in Your Juniors

Bring Out the Drama in Your Juniors

The church was once the center of creative storytelling, including dramas designed to teach the masses about God and His Word. Even in this age of technology and major motion pictures, juniors love to see a live performance—especially when it involves people they know. Bring the Bible to life by using drama with your juniors!

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The Master’s Touch

The Master’s Touch

I once read an article about the importance of hugging. From documented evidence the author concluded that everyone needs 12 hugs a day to stay emotionally healthy. While I don’t claim to be an expert on emotional health I know from experience that people have a deep need for physical affection.

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Moving from Memorization to Meditation

Moving from Memorization to Meditation

When her Good News Club teachers asked Jessie why Christian children should learn God’s Word her response was, “You don’t want us to memorize verses just because. You want us to learn verses so they help us live the way we should. If a verse is in our hearts it helps us know how to handle our problems God’s way.”

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The Angry Children of Divorce

The Angry Children of Divorce

The yelling that erupted from the kindergarten room was like a 911 call to the alert ears of the children’s director at Mosaic, a church in East Los Angeles. The director was halfway down the hall when the kindergarten leader leaned out the doorway to signal for help. An angry little boy was led to the director to be soothed and calmed.

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Motivation 101

Motivation 101

There must be a thousand ways to teach basic motivation. I remember stories I heard as a child. There was “The Little Engine That Could.” Generations of children have learned from this story that if they really put their hearts into a job it can make a difference.

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Demonstrating Faith

Demonstrating Faith

God is pushed out of the lives of so many of today’s children. Schoolteachers consciously avoid mentioning Him. On TV and in many homes His commandments are blatantly violated. Schedules are packed with nonreligious activities, so how do we demonstrate faith to the next generation of children?

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