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3 Tips for Maintaining Attention

3 Tips for Maintaining Attention

Maintaining the attention and focus of children can be a big challenge. We all as teachers want to make an impact and help change lives by teaching the truth, explaining concepts, and sharing life lessons to the next generation. But how can we impact their lives if they’re not paying attention?

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Easier Said Than Done

Easier Said Than Done

Admit it. We’ve all done it. You set goals for change and for the first six days you do great! You don’t eat junk food, you wake up at 5:00 a.m. and go to bed at 9 p.m. – then all of a sudden you stop. It’s easy to say you’ll do something, but a lot harder to put actions behind those words.

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Don’t Give Up!

Don’t Give Up!

Being a Sunday school teacher can be extremely draining of your energy and time. It could seem a whole lot easier to just walk away completely. But don’t give up! Even when it seems impossible, there are so many reasons to keep going.

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