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Where You Send I Will Go

Where You Send I Will Go

The plans God has in our lives often don’t match the ideal lifestyle we have preconceived in our mind. Biblical individuals, such as Jeremiah, perceived themselves in one manner, while God had another story in mind for him.

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Athletic Kids-Rest for the Spirit

Athletic Kids-Rest for the Spirit

You know, God gave us a wonderful gift when He gave us a sabbath day of rest. Jesus said the sabbath was made for man, not man made for the sabbath. In other words, God gave it because it’s good for us, not to burden us with a religious tradition.

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Athletic Kids–Skills for the Spirit 

Athletic Kids–Skills for the Spirit 

Four important skills or spiritual disciplines for kids involve Scripture, worship, prayer and giving. The Bible commands us to practice each of them diligently. Do we practice them to earn God’s favor? If yes, that’s a wrong motivation. The right motivation is to do them for our own good, and to mature in our spiritual life. God loves to see us do well and prosper, so it does have the effect of pleasing Him too.

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Celebration for Record Number of Children Reached During Christmas 2022

Celebration for Record Number of Children Reached During Christmas 2022

The world’s largest mission organization dedicated to children celebrated a record number of children reached in its 2022 world-wide, in-person Christmas Party Clubs. Hundreds of Zoom connections and YouTube attendees facilitated representatives from countries around the world to join the International Headquarters staff of Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) on Friday, February 10th, to hear the results of their prayers and efforts.

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Choosing Curriculum

Choosing Curriculum

Have you ever pulled into the drive-through of a fast food restaurant just to be overwhelmed by the menu options? Sometimes, those choices can seem like a bit much. It can be the same way when choosing a curriculum for your children’s Sunday school class. With all the options available, both good and bad, it can be hard to know which curriculum would work best with the children at your church.

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