Big Picture

The Harvest

The Harvest is a collection of testimonies from Child Evangelism Fellowship® workers around the world. These stories show how God is working in the lives of individuals, families, and communities. We hope that you be encouraged through God’s faithfulness in the ministry as we send his laborers into the harvest.

“And he said to them, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.'” Luke 10:2


Pentecost for Kids, Explained | CEF

Pentecost for Kids, Explained | CEF

What is Pentecost Sunday? Teach Pentecost for kids in this simple way by learning about the Holy Spirit, salvation, and the Pentecost Sunday meaning.

Worship with the Psalmists

Worship with the Psalmists

Are you sad, happy, angry, thankful, or afraid? Everyone’s emotions can change based on their circumstances or moods. Sometimes our emotions can be hard to manage or understand. Children need help to understand and properly manage their emotions, too.

Parents’ Role as Spiritual Leaders

Parents’ Role as Spiritual Leaders

Whether it is a positive or negative influence, children will imitate you without realizing it. This affects their entire life. Being a parent is an incredible privilege and a frightening responsibility.