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Every Child, Every Nation, Every Day

esv-meet-the-king-webMeet the King

Now every child in the United States can meet the King!  CEF of Europe produced an evangelistic booklet about the life of Christ to reach children with the Gospel. This booklet, called Meet the King, is now available in the U.S. It is designed for high volume/low cost distribution to children everywhere. Meet the King is a beautiful 16-page Gospel tool that is longer and of higher quality than a tract but easy for children to read and understand. Meet the King is the story of the Lord Jesus Christ—His birth, ministry on Earth, crucifixion, resurrection and ascension. The booklet ends with a clear explanation of how the reader can trust Jesus Christ as his Savior and King. Individuals, churches, CEF workers and other ministry leaders are encouraged to order and distribute the booklets in their areas. Moises Esteves, vice president, CEF International Ministries, says our desire for the Meet the King booklet is to “print it by the millions and get it into the hands of children!”

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