Big Picture

Every Child, Every Nation, Every Day

IMPACT Winter 2018 Edition

From The President

As I’ve traveled throughout the world I’ve seen children who live in prosperity and many more children who live with far less. I remember happy, smiling faces of some children and serious, sad eyes of others. Children everywhere experience hurt. When I turn on the evening news and watch reports on the war in Syria, the physical pain many children experience is heart wrenching. But their suffering extends far deeper—fear, insecurity, and loss of home, friends, and family. Tragedies like war, fires, floods, and damaging accidents hurt children. But so do the tragedies of a broken home, bullying, abuse, neglect, families in financial crisis, and the loss of a loved one. You may remember hurt you experienced as a child—rejection, failure, persecution, or loss. All of us have this in common—we all hurt.

Recently a student attending Children’s Ministries Institute shared her testimony of childhood abuse and hopelessness. Then someone shared the love of Jesus with her. Although her situation didn’t change right away, knowing God made a difference in her life. She declared, “I want to tell children about Jesus. No child should go through what I did.”

How do you process hurt? Do you turn to the One with answers and power to help? You can trust God to help you through your hurt—and so can children. Boys and girls need to learn about God and how they can trust Him. Child Evangelism Fellowship missionaries around the globe regularly teach boys and girls the Good News of Jesus and how they can trust God to help them. Hurting children can have hope through Jesus.

Yours for all the children,


Reese R. Kauffman

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