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Children Impacted in 2023

Every Child

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Our Ministries

Good News Club®

Good News Club ministries take place in neighborhood settings such as homes, schools and community centers all over the world and are designed to bring the Gospel of Christ to children on their level in their environment.

5-Day Club photo of teaching

5-Day Club®

In June all across the USA thousands of young people are trained to conduct 5-Day Clubs. Throughout the summer they have many opportunities to present the Gospel to boys and girls, experiencing the joy of leading others to the Lord.

Christmas Party Clubs™

Many children today don’t regularly attend church and have never heard the true meaning of Christmas. Wouldn’t it be great if thousands of children learned about the Christ of Christmas this year?


Helping to unite children with the Gospel of Christ and disciple them in the Word of God.

Recent Articles

Abiding in Christ

Abiding in Christ

Okay, I admit it—I’ve got some favorite students in my Sunday school class. You know who I’m talking about—the student who sits up in her chair, helps her classmates, and always wears a cheerful smile. But sometimes the fruit we see in these children is coming from a wrong motive or heart attitude. Maybe they obey out of obligation or the desire to be better than their peers.
Children cannot grow God-glorifying fruit in their own strength, so how can we help them so that it will grow supernaturally in their lives?

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When I was four years old my mom opened our home to a Good News Club®. Though Mom was not saved, she would sit in the club each week and listen as the lesson was taught. One day after club I told my mom I wanted to be saved. My unsaved mom led me to the Lord, repeating what she had heard in club each week. Soon after that Mom was saved too. Today there are about 15 different family members in some form of Christian ministry—pastor, missionary, etc.

— Karen

When I was only three, I was led to the Lord by my brother who’d been trained in a Teaching Children Effectively courseTM. A couple of years later I started going to 5-Day Club® and Good News Club® then attended Christian Youth in Action® (CYIATM) and began teaching at age 12. After six fruitful years of summer ministry as a student and one as staff, I was excited to be called into the ministry full time and be following God’s path for my life. 

— Becca

I started to attend Good News Club® in Sioux City, Iowa when I was about four years old. My older brother went, and I liked to go along. I so clearly remember our teacher, dear Mrs. Dora Lock and her helper Betty Ritchie. She had GNC® in the basement of her home. I remember the day she had the lesson on the crucifixion like it was yesterday. She talked about how Jesus died to pay the price for our sins and all we had to do was believe on Him and accept His free gift. I was ready to accept him that day! I attended for several years and the Scripture that I memorized and the songs we sang have stuck with me to this day. I am forever grateful for my time spent in GNC and am loving being part of it again.

— Marta

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