Every Child, Every Nation, Every Day
Since 1937, Child Evangelism Fellowship has offered high-quality, biblically-sound and Christ-centered curriculum to help churches evangelize and disciple children.
CEF Curriculum Distinctives
Every CEF Bible lesson clearly explains the Gospel on a child’s level. Because we are intentional about evangelism, the message of salvation is weaved through every part of our curriculum: the memory verse, songs, missionary story and even the games!
The application of God’s Word to the life of a child is an essential element of each Bible lesson. Unsaved children hear of their need for a Savior and saved children are presented a spiritual growth challenge.

The Bible is central to CEF teaching methods. A CEF trained teacher, using CEF curriculum will have the Scripture open and at the center of each teaching time.
Training is available to learn how to effectively use CEF materials. It is offered by local CEF chapters and available online.
CEF material is developed and published through CEF Press.